- Free Wi-Fi
- Pay at the hotel
Corsso Jaipur-Broadway
Hotel Broadway Inn Jaipur
Corsso Jaipur Broadway is located in Jaipur nearby Transport Nagar. Corsso jaipur provide you with best facilities and amenities whether you are looking for a comfortable hotel in Jaipur to stay with your family or friends or you are finding a spacious and premium hotel in jaipur for b2b groups , school groups, college groups, etc.
Corsso jaipur have many amenities that suits the best for group bookings like our hotel is very nearby to public transports, easy space for your transportation parking, A hygienic buffet restaurant , A spacious lobby bar for hassle free check-in’s, Beautiful Rooftop pool to chill out with a terrace to enjoy the view.
Check our other website for best tour packages: www.prateekholidays.com
Air Conditioning
Dry cleaning
Hair dryer
Pickup: Airpot
Wake-up call
Wifi Available
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